Environmental, Health & Safety
Excellence is No Accident
As part of our core values of operations, G-Force is committed to the continual protection of the geographical areas where we work and practices to reduce our environmental footprint throughout all projects. G-Force realizes that this starts with housekeeping and ensuring that job sites are well maintained and monitored for potential issues. We follow Best Management Practices (BMPs), continuously monitor equipment and fuel and chemical storage areas to ensure there is no unexpected release. Additionally, G-Force maintains SPCC plans for all regulated fuel tanks.
Health & Safety
The employees of G-Force, as well as our subcontractors, are our most valuable assets, and subsequently, our highest priority is the health and safety of each and every one of them. To that end, the driving force in G-Force is our consideration of safety in every aspect of our business. Our Core Values of BE SAFE. BE POSITIVE. DO IT RIGHT. OWN IT! begin with BE SAFE as a constant reminder to put safety at the forefront of every job, every day.

Safety Compliance Partners
ISN #400-187616
PEC #27220
Safety Stats
- G-Force has a TRIR of 0.49 on a 3-year rolling average; 0.34 2019
- Achieved 2mm+ hours worked without incident
- Veriforce utilized for OQ compliance with multiple internal evaluators on staff as well as 3rd parties on retainer
G-Force has a TRIR of .49 on a 3-year rolling average.
- 2023 – 0.17
- 2022 – 0.5
- 2020 – 0.3
- 2019 – 0.34
- 2018 – 1.09
- 2017 – 0.0
- 2016 – 0.0
EMR (Experience Modifier) year over year is as follows:
- 2022 – 0.72
- 2021 – 0.72
- 2020 – 0.64
- 2019 – 0.67
- 2018 – 0.65
- 2017 – 0.64
- 2016 – 0.63
Safety Standards and commitments
Stop Work Authority
All G-Force employees, contractors and subcontractors are trained in our company Stop Work Authority (SWA) Policy. All individuals possess authority and responsibility to STOP WORK if they witness or encounter a situation deemed as having the potential to cause harm or damage to any person or asset. G-Force investigates all SWA incidents and addresses any concerns to the satisfaction of all workers on that task.
Company Commitment
Incident Reporting
As part of our environmental, health & safety commitment, all employees, contractors and subcontractors are required to report all incidents. Incidents include injuries, near misses, damage to any assets or equipment, observations of unsafe work, environmental issues and stop work incidents. Our leadership team strictly enforces our ‘No Retaliation’ practice in which no person shall be penalized or retaliated against for reporting of incidents. All incidents are investigated and used to help G-Force evaluate its performance, thus driving improvements to our EHS program.
Safe Start Operations
All G-Force employees, contractors and subcontractors must be ready for the ‘safe start’ of operations before beginning any job. Prior to operations beginning at job-sites, all present employees & contractors participate in JSA (Job Safety Analysis) meetings. During these meetings, the staff present documents the work to be completed during the work cycle, the expected hazards, and the steps taken to mitigate those hazards. After these items are identified, everyone at the job site is given the opportunity to participate in additional discussions of the hazards and to contribute. Our employees, supervisors, and leadership team all understand the importance of these meetings.
Training and Hiring
At G-Force, safety begins at the interview stage. Candidates are screened for adherence to safety practices. Upon hiring, new employees are introduced to our safety culture from day one and are required to undergo training specific to the company and again to their specific role. All company employees and subcontractors are engaged in our safety program and G-Force invests in a continuous education initiative for all levels within our organization. For task specific qualifications, G-Force maintains a staff of OQ qualified personnel and uses certified master evaluators with both Veriforce and EWN.
Responsibility and respect
All G-Force employees, contractors and subcontractors are responsible for not only their own actions, behaviors and choices; but also for the safety of the individuals working with them and the equipment on the job site. All persons associated with G-Force, regardless of their title or tenor, are required to demonstrate the utmost respect for themselves, each other and those in the communities in which we operate.
G-Force’s Approach to Environmental Health and Safety
“G-Force is committed to respecting the environment, operating safely and upholding the highest standards of integrity and ethical conduct throughout the company’ operations. Our commitment to Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) begins with our Executive Leadership team and extends throughout to our employees and subcontractors. G-Force works with its employees and subcontractors to identify concerns, build trust and ensure customers satisfaction. G-Force core values, “Be Safe. Do it Right. Be Positive. Own it!”, were selected to be our focal points of our company because they speak of our integrity, and commitment to delivering the highest quality work safely.
In 2019, G-Force reported a TRIR of 0.34, which is significantly below industry standards. However, the Executive Leadership team and I are committed to reducing all incidents in the workplace. We believe that safety is a daily commitment that follows us home, we believe that safety should be second nature, and we are striving to continue building a culture that fully embraces that philosophy from our newest employee, to the top of the organization. As the President of G-Force, I make a personal commitment that my Leadership Team and I will fully embrace safety as a core value and take every precaution for the protection of workers in the workplace.
Supervisors will be held accountable for the health and safety of workers under their supervision. Supervisors are subject to various duties in the workplace that include ensuring that employees work in accordance with established safety policies, ensuring that employees have the right tools for the job, and reporting all incidents.
Our employees are the backbone of our efforts, and together we will continue to drive continuous improvement in EHS. To achieve this, we will train our employees, coach and mentor them, provide them with excellent supervision, and seek their feedback on how to continue to improve. EHS excellence is only achieved if everyone is involved”
– Jeff Pickrel
President and CEO